These ranks are still meant to be challenging, but have been tweaked to feel more like they did in the source game. This is not an 'easy mode.' The original rankings were made by, and for, people on The Unleashed Project development team, who collectively played the mod for hundreds of hours. This attempts to bring the ranking requirements a little more in line with what they were in Sonic Unleashed.
Definitely more harsh than the original Sonic Unleashed was. The short version is that if you're a fan of Sonic Unleashed, and played the ' Unleashed Project' mod for Sonic Generations, then you might notice that the ranking for Unleashed Project is a more than a little harsh. S-Ranks Unleashed is a mod-for-a-mod I created in 2013. ↺5 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) To create shortcuts to your favorite games!
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